Vendor Management

With TurfManager Pro you'll see improved SLA attainment, increased work order accuracy and enhanced
profitability all through better control of your working data. Let us show you how.

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Vendor Roster Management

Carrier contracts require increasing efficiency from you and your partners. Building a large database of subcontractors to perform field service can open new growth opportunities, improve customer service to the carrier and decrease labor costs.

TurfManager Pro was built to efficiently manage a network of third party service vendors. So with each new ticket TurfManager Pro recommends the best crew from all vendors in your system based on work order requirements, past performance grades and cost. Our flat fee subscription structure does not increase as more subcontractors login. The easy-to-use web forms permit each subcontractor to maintain their own assigned work orders and static account information.

Vendor management is at the core of turf management and TurfManager Pro does all this and more…

Security – Control over what data each vendor can view or change

Usability – Intuitive web-based design…no software to install

Selectivity – Recommended vendor assignment by location, skills, quality & cost

Communications – Send/receive tickets, post updates and report from the field

Accuracy – Better data means improved invoicing accuracy, visibility and speed of payments

Scalability - Manage your entire team, including all vendors and subcontractors


Our Process

First step


We take time to understand your goals, priorities and processes.

Second step


Create a unique version of Innervent software to fit your needs (2 weeks).

Third step


Review in detail the software, how it fits your process and make any adjustments.

Fourth step


You will be up and running within 60 days with your custom TurfManager Pro SaaS solution.